A white supremist with a neo-Nazi ideology who was convicted of terrorism has been sentenced to two years in prison, suspended for two years.
The 21-year-old man from Lincoln had been found guilty of one count of possession of a record of information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism under Section 58 of the Terrorism Act by a jury on 12 August. He was sentenced at Leicester Crown Court on 31 August 2021.
He had become part of the Extreme Right Wing (XRW) online, and was studying Criminology with Psychology in Leicester when he was arrested. The XRW is the term for activists who commit criminal activity motivated by a political or cultural view point encompassing racism, extreme nationalism, fascism and neo-Nazism.
Forensic computer investigators found a hard drive in his possession containing a radical publication originally circulated in the 70s which contains diagrams and instructions on how to construct various explosive devices. It is illegal to knowingly possess material that could assist in terrorist-related activities.
He had also amassed more than 67 thousand documents downloads onto hard drives, which contained a wealth of white supremist and anti-Semitic material, as well as material related to a Satanist organisation. One of the hard drives was found hidden inside a sock when officers searched his home.
Counter Terrorism Policing East Midlands (CTP EM) Detective Inspector James Manning, led the investigation in partnership with regional and national agencies. He said: “This was a young man who could be anyone’s son, studying at university, and living one life in public, while conducting another in private.
“He possessed a wealth of material which indicated a fascination and belief in a White Supremacist ideology, along with support for an extreme satanic group which is increasingly of concern for law enforcement agencies.
“The terrorist material he was found in possession of is extremely dangerous, and he acquired this to further his ideology. It indicates the threat that he and other followers of this hateful ideology pose to National Security. It was not light reading, or material most would concern themselves with for legitimate reasons. This has been a long and complex investigation over the course of 11 months.”
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