Whether you're a child yourself or you're worried about a child, contact the NSPCC to speak to their professional
counsellors for help, advice and support.
Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (CSAE) can occur when a group or individual coerces a child into sexual activity through deception, power or manipulation. It is usually in exchange for something the victim needs or wants, or for financial advantage or increased status for the perpetrator.
It’s important that we all recognise the signs of CSAE, so we can help to disrupt this abuse.
A young person becoming especially secretive and stops engaging with their usual friends
Association with, or developing a sexual relationship with older men or women
Going missing from home – and being defensive about where they are and what they’re doing, often returning home late or staying out all night
Absence from school
Receiving odd calls and messages on their mobiles or social media pages from unknown, possibly much older, associates from outside their normal social network
Being in possession of new, expensive items which they couldn’t normally afford, such as mobile phones, iPads or jewellery
Sudden changes in dressing patterns or musical taste
Looking tired and/or unwell, and sleeping at unusual hours
Marks or scars on their body, which they try to conceal
Use of new ‘street language’ or responding to a new ‘street’ name
You can still be sexually exploited even if you have given consent, and it doesn’t always involve physical contact – it can happen online too.
If you suspect a child is being exploited, criminally or sexually, please click here to report it to your local police force. In an emergency always dial 999.